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History of Taki Ryu Shin Shin Jujitsu

All arts have a lineage, however, some arts are very difficult to attain that lineage. Especially an art as old as Jujitsu. This art can be traced to Shaolin Kung-Fu. It was a combination of Shaolin Eagle Claw, Shotokan, Judo, and Modern Boxing called Shin Shin Jujitsu founded by Leo D. Wilson. Leo D. Wilson was one of three (Wally Jay, Bud Estes, Leo D. Wilson) that the AAU voted and received their 10th Dan titles in Jujitsu when they were trying to organize Jujitsu.
Leo D. Wilson formed US Yudo and the Midori Yama Budokai organizations and became the founder of Shin Shin Jujitsu. A student of Hanshi Wilson, Master Chris Mitter (founder of Taki Ryu Shin Shin Jujitsu) has taken the knowledge from Shin Shin Jujitsu and added a compilation of techniques as well as theories from Hanshi George Dillman, Hanshi Wally Jay, and Professor Presas.
Sensei Chris Mitter holds dan ranks in Okinawan Kempo, Shin Nagare Karate, Isshin Ryu Karate, Aikido, Modern Arnis, Tai Shin Ki Do, Jujitsu, Ryu Kyu Kempo and is the founder of Taki Ryu Jujitsu.



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