
Dojo Etiquette

Code of Conduct
Dojo Etiquette
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·        This is a Christian dojo advocating Christian values, traditional customs and respect.
Christian bible lesson will be taught throughout.
·        Respective traditional language will be used throughout.
Address your instructor as sensei or sempai, as applicable
When you enter the dojo always bow to your instructor or sensei and greet him by saying good evening sensei, etc. 
No shoes are allowed in the training area other than wrestling or martial arts shoes.
The students shall never lean on the walls.
Do not enter or leave the floor during training/class without permission from the sensei or your instructor.
If a student arrives late for class and the class is already in progress wait for the sensei to recognize you then bow to him and enter the training area quickly.
There will be no chewing of gum on the training floor.
Do not consume intoxicants before training.
Profane language is not permitted.
When sitting on the dojo floor always sit anza (cross legged) or seiza and never show the bottom of your feet.
No loud talking or horseplay is allowed in the dojo.  The dojo is a place where respect and self-control are always observed.  This is the proper decorum expected of you while in the training area.
Students will be in full uniform (gi) upon entering the Dojo and ready for practice.  The gi and equipment will be kept clean and at home with the rest of the equipment.
·        If your belt comes undone and you must retie it or you must adjust your uniform never face sensei or your instructor instead turn around and face in the opposite direction to retie your belt or adjust your uniform.
Never wash your belt.   This is a time – honored tradition in karate.
·        Students will not wear patches other than those designated by the school.
No watches, earring, rings, jewelry, etc, will be worn during practice.
Trim fingernails, toenails short in order to avoid injury to yourself or others students during training.
Students will keep themselves clean.
This is a training hall and will be kept clean at all times. 
·        All training equipment should be put away neatly after use by whosoever uses it.  This will keep your dojo looking organized at all times.
Bring any problems that could interfere with your learning to the attention of your instructor.
If you are injured in any way during class, notify the instructor immediately.
When sensei is teaching a class show the utmost respect by not talking when he is demonstrating or explaining something.
Do not talk during a workout except to respond to an instructor’s command or questions.
Do all exercises to the best of your ability.  Students are expected to train hard, be disciplined and cultivate a strong moral character.
If you will not be attending a class, notify the instructor prior to the class.
Sparring (ne waza or randori) will be done under the supervision of the sensei to ensure safety.
Safety gears must be worn in order to spar.
Visitors are always welcome, as long as they abide by our rules.  You are responsible for your guests.
Always show courtesy and respect to all those present in the dojo.  Proper respect will be shown to all ranks.
Strive to promote the true spirit of Jujitsu for Christ by following the Dojo Kun and Code of Honor.
Fighting outside of the dojo is prohibited by our Code of Honor unless it is in a self-defense situation.  Anyone who engages in this sort of misconduct or anyone who misuses their knowledge, who shows a lack of self-control, who shows a lack of respect towards the instructor, their fellow students, the dojo, other instructors or the martial arts in general will be terminated.


You are responsible to know the Dojo Etiquette, and help others learn it as well.

We accept donations.

For more information e-mail devonnatario@hotmail.com
